Pirates of Penzance opens

First a joke:

Image Steve goes into the pet shop ” I am playing a pirate in the local amateur dramatic societies version of Pirates of Penzance and need a parrot to sit on my shoulder” he says.

“I don’t have any parrots at the moment , but you wouldn’t want a real parrot for that. It would squawk in all the wrong places , poop on your shoulder and generally be a nuisance. What you need is a stuffed parrot . Just as realistic and easily controlled.”

“Are you sure a stuffed parrot would be OK ? ” asks Steve ” I do want this performance to be as realistic as possible .”

” I am sure a stuffed parrot would be fine ” says the pet shop owner ” I have one at home . I’ll bring it in and if you come back on Thursday you can have it “.

” Sorry ” says Steve ” I can’t make it on Thursday . That’s the day I’m having my leg cut off .”


Thanks to all of you who have responded with interest to coming out to the show and particularly to the 44 of you who have bought tickets already!

After six months of music and choreography practises, including nightly dress rehearsals in the past week, the Savoy Society’s Pirates of Penzance opened tonight at Centrepointe Theater with me in the cast as a Pirate.

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