Long live the weekend

Special package arrived in the mail last night – it was the garden pruners we won for entering the Canadian Tire Long Live the Weekend contest earlier in June. With all the branches we have in the backyard – I’m sure they’ll be put to good use!

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HMV contest

Got a call from HMV sweepstakes this afternoon regarding the $100 gift certificate for HMV that Aline won from Swiss Chalet earlier this summer. Had to answer the following skill testing question with no calculator: 120 / 10 * 3 – 15 + 25 = ??? Thankfully my math skills …

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My favorite gas station

Winning lotteries is all about the odds. It’s why I rarely bother buying a 649 ticket. The odds are astronomically against you. But filling out customer satisfaction surveys online is a whole other ballgame. Ever since we moved to Blackburn Hamlet last year I’ve been more often than not buying …

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