
It’s a hot muggy Saturday afternoon and I feel like exploring so the family is off biking to check out where the railway path turned bike trail leads to off Anderson road. Two kilometers in we discover it stops at a dead end probably somewhere short of Hwy 417. With …

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Like a duck

Spent the August long weekend at the Fournier cabin in the woods. Originally our intent had been to canoe out to an island and camp out there with the kids like lat year but in the end we decided to camp out in the backyard and canoed out twice around …

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Tour d’Orleans

It’s probably fitting that on the day that 34-year Australian Cadel Evans won the ITT to overtake Andy Shleck and move into first place on the penultimate day of the Tour de France – we had our own little family Tour d’Orleans. Originally I was going to explore an old …

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