A sticky hot humidity hung like a thick wool blanket over Ottawa the third week of August. Sweat dripped from every pore in my body and there wasn’t even the hint of a cool breeze anywhere in sight.
Sigh. What better time for a canoe getaway?
So my friend Aline and I headed out to Crotch Lake for an overnight getaway. Located about two hours west of Ottawa in the Madawaska highlands, the inelegantly-named Crotch Lake is a perfect place for a weekend stay. The lake has over 50 campsites, a rockdiving spot at Long Island and an aptly-named Blueberry Island all within a half-hour paddle of the launch located in the southern bay.
After finding a site we liked on Green Island, Aline and I set up camp and felt the heat of the city disappear. With our heads poking out the tent staring at the stars, we gradually fell asleep watching a firm wind blow clouds across the sky.