Sugar Shack 2011

Last year’s inaugural backyard sugar shack was a success so we’re ramping up production for season two. We received 10 new buckets from Aline’s folks as a Christmas present and we purchased five more of our own so we have 15 buckets ready to go this year . . .

Date Notes
Monday March 14 Sap starts to drip!
Wednesday March 16 Oh no! We burnt 8 litres of sap and the stockpot. Bummer.
Friday March 18 Flooding in our basement window well! Bailing every hour at minimum . . .
Wednesday March 23 Picked up new 12 quart stockpot to replace the one that was burned. $15 purchase
Thursday March 31 66 litres of sap collected. We had to give some away.
Wednesday April 6 Whoa! Season ain’t over yet. Over Thursday and Friday as the temperatures soared and we hit new highs of sap collected – we ended up giving away over 200 litres of sap to Paul and Chris and Aline’s folks as we couldn’t keep up with the flow.

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