Hello baby!

Our overdue little droolette finally arrived this morning.


The little monkey arrives

After finally being admitted to the maternity ward last night around 8PM, Aline’s contractions slowly increased in severity throughout the night. She dilated to 9 centimeters and pushed for about an hour from 4-5 AM before the decision was made to go with a ceasarian birth because the pain was too much to bear, she was exhausted from her three days of early labor and there was lack of forward momentum on the baby’s side – probably due to her large size.

At 7:06 AM, our little as yet-to-be named daughter arrived weighing in at just under 8 pounds 5 ounces. All indicators point to her being a healthy child.

You can check out her first 10 minutes here.

Aline’s resting at the General until Wednesday. She’s exhausted and weak but there were no complications with the birth. She seems in good spirits.

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