Gatineau River

Aline’s folks have a little cabin in the woods that just happens to be a two-minute walk to the Gatineau River up at Low, Quebec.


An early start to the kid’s canoeing education!

And they have a canoe.

Throw in the fact it’s a sunny Saturday in August, and well, it was about time Aline and I introduced the baby to a light paddle.

We spent a couple of hours meandering about the long bay near the access point paddling around the various islands. Hugging right brings you to the Paugan Hydro Dam whereas turning left and heading upstream brings you to the main channel of the Gatineau River en route to Lac Sainte Marie. Once past the launch site, the cottages melt away and the countryside is mostly forested with the occasional farm. We saw three campsites en route and I hear there’s many more further up the river.

Sounds like a perfect family vacation next year!

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