Vacation Blues

Yesterday night I was cutting out a carribean vacation contest entry form and Hazel asked me what I was doing so I told her. Then she asked if I would take her. Sadly the contest was for two so I told her I would probably take Grandpa Joe. Thirty seconds …

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Keeping it real

Hazel has started keeping lists. And yesterday she was writing out a list of what she might like for Christmas: Lego (of course) hair styling salon head (don’t ask – just imagine a plastic head with hair you can braid, style, cut, etc.) kitten At which point Aline tells her …

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Thankful for

We asked the kids what they were thankful for this Thanksgiving. Hazel: Princesses Television Mummy Sam: Lightning McQueen puzzle Lightning McQueen puzzle (he has two of them) Lightning McQueen bag (he stores his cars in a a Lightning McQueen themed plastic bag) So the takeaway is Sam is still obsessed …

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