Lest we forget

I always feel torn on Remembrance Day.

On one hand I feel a mixture of sadness, pride and patriotism for those that have died in the service of our country. That’s the mainstream view we all hear and see and feel.

But on the other I feel angry that our soldiers were off fighting wars and putting their lives at risk in the first place.

War is a bunch of old rich men sending young poor men to die. It’s been like this for all time. And that’s a tragic shame.

Love those who are left, and never forget those who were lost, but resolve – NEVER AGAIN


Hazel is skipping rope and Sam decides he’d like to show off as well:

“I can do everything except jump.”

He’s going to go far with that kind of confidence.

Marriage prospects

Sam crawled into bed with us this morning and somehow the conversation turned to who he’s going to marry when he’s older:

Sam: I’m going to marry Jessie! (His older first cousin)

Me: Uh no. You can’t marry your cousin.

Sam: I’m going to marry Hazel! (His sister)

Me: Uh no. You can’t marry your sister.

Sam: I’m going to marry Twig (Our cat)

Me: Nope. Not gonna happen.

Sam: Oh right, I can’t marry Twig. He’s a . . . . boy.

Me laughing uncontrollably: No, that’s not the problem.

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