There was a flyer in my local paper this past winter extolling the virtues of the Outaouis region of Quebec. Since I can be anal about reading flyers, I flipped through it and noticed there was an online contest. Hey I said to myself, this could be the one I finally win!
So I entered daily for next three months until the contest ended. Then last week I get this email which looked like porn spam (Don’t ask how I know, I just do.) saying Stevo, you’ve won.
No joke! Turns out I won $2000 worth of gift certificates for restaurants, ski resorts, golf resorts and cultural activities in the Outaouis region.
In total they had 2300 entries and I probably had close to 100 of them alone.
As if that wasn’t good enough, I came home that night and noticed there was some mail in my box from the acounting firm KPMG which manages the Ottawa Civic Hospital Lottery, one of those $100 ticket draws, for which Kim and I had split a ticket. Turns out we won a birding telescope.
As if I can’t spot a turkey already.